Hooray! It’s finally here! Cover reveal day! The exciting and dynamic jacket art for Revolution in Our Time was revealed today on the We Need Diverse Books blog. (Now you can see it here too.) This means that pre-order links are now active!
If you want a signed copy of the book, pre-order through my local indie, Bear Pond Books.
Or, you can simply order through your own local indie or your favorite online retailer, perhaps Bookshop, Indiebound, Barnes & Noble, or Amazon!
The jacket design is by Matt Roeser, and it includes a collage of images ensconced within the outline of the Black Power fist. The images include (clockwise from left):
- Kathleen Cleaver, Communications Secretary for the Black Panther Party, speaking at a Free Huey rally.
- Black Panther members protesting the imprisonment of the New York 21.
- A Free Ericka button, calling for the release of New Haven chapter leader Ericka Huggins from jail.
- Children enjoying the Black Panthers’ Free Breakfast Program for School Children while engaging in political education discourse.
- A boy sitting atop a statue raises the Black Power fist at a protest in New Haven, CT.
- The front page of an issue of the Black Panther newspaper, featuring a photo of the organization’s founders Bobby Seale (left) and Huey P. Newton.
- A drawing by Emory Douglas, Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party, depicting a young Panther selling the newspaper.
- A Power to the People button; the Panthers believed power should flow from the people, not the government, and they organized communities to rise up in self-defense and pursue self-sufficiency while advocating for systemic change.
- In the center, there is a tiny clip from another issue of the Black Panther, honoring Lil Bobby Hutton, a sixteen-year-old who was the first member to join the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and who became the first of many Panthers to be killed by police during the life of the organization.
The book itself contains much more information about all of the above! Pre-order a copy today, whether for yourself, for a friend, for a local school, or for a young reader in your life!